Prepare Your Colorado Home for Winter

Follow our advice to get your home ready for the unpredictable winter weather in Colorado.

Inspect Your Home’s Roof, Siding, Windows & Gutters

Before winter hits Colorado, make sure your roof is prepared to withstand its inclement weather. Make sure pipe and vent flashings are secure.

Spotting leaks, loose vents, and inadequately sealed flashing on time will ensure you keep dry and safe no matter what kind of weather comes with the winter season. Look for water spots on ceilings and walls and other places where water can get into a home. Shingles that are cracked, loose, warped or missing are common signs of roof damage.

Also, vents that are not secured, and flashing that is detached must be fixed as soon as possible. Contact us to schedule an inspection of your roof and its structural elements.

One of the first lines of defense on the house is the siding. When you have issues with the siding, it will not be long before the roofing has problems. Inspecting the siding around the roofline of your home, and giving it a good cleaning before the winter weather hits, is essential. If you see signs of moisture or mold and mild growth, contact professionals to address the problem.

Additionally, make it a point to clear any debris that has built up in your gutters. It is important to keep an eye on your gutter system because they require maintenance you need to know when it is time for new gutters, so your home stays as safe as possible.

Schedule An Inspection

Unless you happen to know all the ins and out of roofing, it would be best for you to get a professional inspection performed by us; your local trusted roofing company, in your area. We can catch small problems before they become more significant. Plus, it will be safer for you.

Whether you want a roof inspection or need roof repairs, reach out to your local home improvement specialists. Our Project Consultant will come to your house and make sure your roof is prepared to withstand the coldest days ahead. Call us at (303) 834-9236 to discuss your project need.